Software Development Projects

  • Yelp Review Application: Created Web Application where people can add and give review to hotels and places and can comment along with posting pictures of their staying places.
  • S&P 500 Web Application: This Web App is Designed using Streamlit where the data was downloaded from Wikipedia. Python libraries: base64, pandas, streamlit, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn. In this App you would be able to know about the company which you selected from the sidebar and then you would be able to analyze the bollinger band of the company.
  • Chat Application: Built a real time chat application, using Tools HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, NodeJS,

Natural Language Processing Projects

  • Sequence to Sequence Translation: Seq2Seq Machine Translation of Languages is done by using Pytorch.
  • Name Entity Recognition Using BERT: Named-entity recognition is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities mentioned in unstructured text into pre-defined categories such as person names, organizations, locations, medical codes, time expressions, quantities, monetary values, percentages.
  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis: Sentiment classification is a classic problem in NLP regarding understanding whether a sentence is positive or negative. For example, “I love Python!” should be classified as a positive sentiment while “Python is the worst!” should be classified as a negative sentiment.

Other Projects

  • Breast Cancer Detection: This program detects breast cancer, based off of data. Breast Cancer (BC) is a common cancer for women around the world. Early detection of BC can greatly improve prognosis and survival chances by promoting clinical treatment to patients
  • Space Invader: A python game made with pygame
  • Black Jack Game: Simple Blackjack game created only with object oriented programming