This is my first blog post since I redesigned my website to be hosted using Jekyll. I have been using Github pages for quite sometime now to host my portfolio but today I decide to revamp the whole thing and create a blog as well.

So now that I just created this website and don’t know what to write about. I might just as well document how I created this thing. You can get the source code for the website at

Step 1 : Create a new github repository in your account.

Step 2 : Install Jekyll using the command gem install jekyll.

Step 3 : Create the clone of Jekyll bootstrap and set the remote to track the repository you just created.

    git clone portfolio
    cd portfolio
    git remote set-url origin
    git push origin master

Step 4 : Change and modify your theme using Twitter Bootstrap.

Step 5 : Create the pages you want using rake page name="pages/about.html", similarly create the other pages as well.

Step 6 : Create your first post using rake post title="Hello World".

Step 7 : Remove the default example posts rm -rf _posts/core-examples

Step 8 : Edit the as per requirements.

Step 9 : Change the default template as need be, it is located in _include/themes/bootstrap/defaults.html. I made some style change and removed the buttons and navbar at the side to set my current layout. And I added the links to the pages I had created in the step 5.

Step 10 : Just push the source code to the github repository and Github will automatically render it, git push.

Step 11 : If you find anything wrong in this guide. Please let me know about it.